wilderness flyfishing on the Italio River - Yakutat, AlaskaItalio River Adventures offers
spectacular fly-in wilderness flyfishing for all five species of salmon,
plus trout, char and steelhead. Get away from people and
experience Alaska the way it should be seen - Wild...
Unspoiled... Breathtaking... All to yourself!
rivers enter the ocean near our wilderness camp, giving you an
endless variety of water to choose from. Tight overhanging cut
banks, wide-open beaches, huge glacial torrent, or
tiny meandering tributary... Italio River Adventures has it
all. Experience Alaska's most popular game fish - the beautiful
Silver salmon. Chrome bright and full of fight as it leaves the
saltwater, wade out into the tumbling surf, watch the
surface take with bass poppers and pollywogs, or dead drift a
leach through a school of hundreds...
For a real wilderness experience,
hike into the extremely remote Italio Lake for a float trip beyond your
imagination. Aggressive Sockeye and King salmon defend their redds
in the upper reaches, while cutthroat, rainbow and Dolly
Varden char wait for your passing egg pattern. Tens of thousands
of Pink and Chum salmon fill the middle stretches, while the
beginning of the Silver run noses its way into the inter-tidal zone.
If you want to see the absolute best
Alaska has to offer, give Italio River Adventures a call, or
send an e-mail.
the main Italio River Adventures HomePage for more details, photo
galleries and other Alaskan vacation packages.
In Yakutat: 907-784-3697
Toll free message: 1-866-737-1123
Italio River Adventures is
authorized to operate in the Tongass National Forest. |